As is known to us all, dust prevention is particularly important in concrete batching plant. The dust brings great inconvenience for the daily operation of concrete batching plant, which may decrease the performance and shorten the service life of concrete plants without proper daily maintenance. In order to reduce the damage of concrete mixing plant, users should undergo regular cleaning and maintenance of the plant.

The maintenance of concrete batching plant generally includes concrete mixer, batching system, gas circuit, cement storage silo and electrical control system. The specific items are listed as the followings:
concrete batch plant manufacturers
Check the working condition of the rotating parts and supply enough lubricating oil in time.
Check whether the water supply, gas supply and additional additive system equipment is normal or not, if not, operators should adjust it immediately.
Clean the filter screen in the powder dust filter or even replace it if necessary.
Tighten all the bolts and nuts of all components in time.
The service life of the mixing blades and lining board are generally fifty thousand to sixty thousand cans, please change it according to the specification.
In the actual production practice, users need to pay more attention to the rotating parts of the equipment, and they should close the stationary concrete batch plant immediately if there is any abnormal operation noises.
As a top concrete batch plant manufacturer in China, our machine has sold very well all over the world with high reputation, excellent performance and reasonable prices. Please leave us a message if you have any purchase problems.