1, all machinery and equipment should be used by instructions professional rules, maintenance, maintenance, debugging under technical personnel organization. and after each function index comply with the rules of qualified experienced, we can put into production.
2.the following machines need to be checked before wokring
(1) within the mixing barrel, and the supporting facilities of the transmission parts and warehouse door, no foreign body stuck doumen trajectory, etc.;
(2) the fuel tank oil level height is in line with rules;
(3) to open the valve to discharge gas circuit system of gas water separator too much water, open the air storage tank drain plug out oil-water mixture;
(4) the hoisting bucket or pull rope shovel equipment, drum around are accurate, wire rope and pulley correspondence rules, improve the hopper and shovel’s brake loose useful;
(5) each bolt fastening, the inlet and discharge without excessive wear of the valve, the conveyor belt tension properly, not running deviation;
(6) all weighing equipment manipulation and show some works, its precision fit rules;
(7) all the electrical equipment can be useful to control the mechanical action, the contact point and dynamic and static contact no significant damage.
4, shall be prepared according to the function of the concrete mixing plant qualified, sand, stone aggregate particle size within the permission scope shall not be used.
Unit 5, some should be gradually launched.After the launch, various parts work and various appearance indicates conditions should be normal, the pressure of oil, gas, water should be fit, can begin to work.