When we all know, in the concrete mixing plant, there is always a steady stream of discharge dirty water, these dirty water both for enterprise or to the surrounding environment is one of the more difficult problems. If you put it on the ground, you need to set up a special pool to increase the cost of the site. If blindly discharge into the surrounding, it is also a difficult to clean up the environment. Usually the factory meets this kind of situation, need to introduce the scientific method to deal with. We’ll talk more about that today.

The dirty water in the concrete mixing plant is difficult to deal with, but it is not impossible. First of all, we should make sure that we are determined not to pollute the environment. Then it is necessary to set up specialized dirty water to hold the pool, and carry out the precipitation process of the waste water. Dig a pool although will increase the cost of some sites, but the waste water in sheng pool after accumulation, can be repeated use, intangible also reduced the operation in the process of investment.
In addition, after the accumulation of water, the site can be washed and dust, reducing the percentage of air dust in the mixing plant. The effluent of concrete mixing piant .also needs to be cleaned regularly, and the thick sludge at the bottom will affect the use effect of the water tank. The waste water can also be used as a method to bury the waste water well. After the well filling is completed, the upper water will be used as the pre-mix water for the concrete in the mixing plant.