With the continuous booming of real estate market, the construction market is also continuing to heat up, and the production efficiency is a much more important question nowadays. Therefore, what factors affect the actual production of concrete mixing plants? How to enhance the productivity of concrete batch plants? To help customers manage their projects well, we will share our experience as the followings:
The impact of the feeding time, mixing time and discharging time
In the operation course, users should regularly check the butterfly valves and its related electric components to ensure the smooth operation of all institutions. In addition, the connection of the powder hopper and the mixer should be smooth to ensure the quick feeding of all materials.

The Normal Concrete Mixing Time
For the mixing time, users should check the blade inserted inside the blade intact, the raw material placement and the delivery time. The existence of axle phenomenon will largely affect the stirring effect and time.
Generally speaking, users often increase the capacity of the hopper or design the discharging hopper as the storage containers to reduce the discharging time.
The transport equipment of concrete mixing plant
Users should be based on the production capacity and transport distance of the concrete mixing plant to equip with enough transport vehicles, which will not produce too much concrete that cannot be timely transported and affects the progress of the project.
Concrete mixing station from the original low efficiency, high energy consumption to Technological innovation is the key factor for the development of construction works, but it also calls for frequent maintenance and proper management to ensure that the equipment is in its best working condition.