concrete mixing plant can be divided into single and double machine stand, as the name implies, stand-alone station each station has a mixing console, the double machine station has two mixing console, each mixing console has a discharging mouth, so double machine mixing plant is a standalone mixing plant production capacity of 2 times, double machine naming is HZS * * 2 station, such as 2 hzs25 refers to the ability to stir for 2 * 25 = 50 cubic meters per hour of double machine mixing plant.

In the concrete mixing plant , the main places that are easy to produce dust are the feeding inlet, the feeding field and the powder tank of the mixing building. The mixing chamber of the equipment selected to prevent dust spillover is a closed mixing chamber. In order to further eliminate dust in production, a movable color steel plate is added as the dust surface, and the space of the closed dust outlet is used to control dust production in the closed space. Two symmetrical water spray pipes are added at the cement feed inlet to suppress dust and prevent dust diffusion at the source. In the material field, the spraying device is mainly added at the top. When the dust in the material field is large, the spraying dust can be controlled manually or automatically. Avoid dust overflows.