A portable wet mix or dry mix concrete batching plant or central mix plant with the “flying” aggregate dosing and weighing system provides many benefits compared to any other conventional dosing and weighing system used for such types of plants.
In this blog I will tell more about the system’s 5 main benefits.
1. Higher accuracy – saves cement!
The innovative ”flying” aggregate weighing system is able to dose and weigh aggregates with an accuracy of down to 5 kg (12 lbs). Normally inaccurate aggregate dosing and occurring variation is compensated by adding extra cement to the mix to reach the target concrete strength. With the ”flying” aggregate dosing and weighing system an improved accuracy with only a very small variation in aggregate weighing can be achieved, by which additional dosage of cement can be avoided.
Savings of cement may reach 20 or even 30 kg per cubic meter (33-50 lbs/cubic yard).
2. Lower aggregate bin height – less space required and reduced costs!
Thanks to the ”flying” aggregate dosing and weighing system, the height of the loading edge of the aggregate bins is approximately 3-5 m (3.3-5.5 yd) lower compared to that of aggregate bins of conventional portable concrete plants.
Lower height of loading edge height results in a lower loading ramp, leading to huge savings in pay-loader fuel and operational costs. Bin volume remains the same, but space needed for the plant and the loading ramp is significantly smaller. This can be a big advantage especially if the plant needs to be placed on a plot in city centers.

3. Reduced CO2 emissions – smaller carbon footprint!
The cement manufacturing process is responsible for high CO2 emissions to the atmosphere. Saving cement with the ”flying” aggregate dosing and weighing system reduces CO2 emissions. However, concrete producers may positively influence their ecological status not only by saving cement.
Another “GREEN TECHNOLOGY” aspect is that the motor power needed for belt conveyors is 2-4 times lower than in conventional portable or central mix concrete plants. Due to the lower aggregate bin unit conveyors to load the bins are not required. With plants equipped with the “flying” aggregate dosing and weighing system a noteworthy amount of gasoil and electricity can be saved and CO2 emissions can be reduced respectively.
5 reasons to purchase a portable concrete batching plant with the “flying” aggregate dosing and weighing system
4. Modular plant concept – fast to install and to move to a new location
Thanks to modular construction based on sea container measurements, plants are very mobile. Electric connection is easy as plug and play connectors are used.
Plants are very fast to install and after termination of a project can easily be moved to a new location, where production can start again in a very short time.
5. Pre-installed insulation – fast installation even of ”winter” plants
All winter equipment – housing of the modules as well as additional devices, pipes and cables inside the modules – is factory installed and does not need to be disassembled when moving the plant. Another positive point is that for a plant equipped for production under winter conditions no additional time for manufacturing is required.
5 reasons to purchase a portable concrete batching plant with the “flying” aggregate dosing and weighing system
Haomei machinery is using “flying” aggregate dosing in our COBRA and ARC plants. It is the perfect solution for any on-site concrete plant or central mix concrete batch plant.
This was a short text about benefits. If you need more information, please do not hesitate to contact me.